Quickstart Guide
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Last updated
The Token-Price-Oracle codebase is fully open source and hosted on Github.
Github Link: https://github.com/pajicf/token-price-oracle
The project uses Hardhat v2.19.1 as the development environment, Solidity 0.8.19 as the Smart Contract language of choice and Typescript 4.5.0 as language for writing any accompanying tests or scripts.
For package management yarn is used as it provides better performance and safer dependency resolving in comparsion to npm.
The project is structured in the next manner:
- Holds the Solidity Smart Contracts and interfaces for external use
- Holds any deployment or on-chain initialisation scripts written in Typescript
- Holds helper tasks for the cli to interact with the contracts
- Holds all the project related tests
Github Link: https://github.com/pajicf/token-price-oracle-orchestrator
The project uses Node 18 as the development environment and Typescript 5.3.3 as the primary language. The server functionality is handled through the express.js framework and storage is cached in-memory using Redux.js.
Web3 interactions are handled using the ethers.js library.
For package management yarn is used as it provides better performance and safer dependency resolving in comparsion to npm.